A lightweight tool to detect plugins conflicts on a WordPress environment View on GitHub


Build and running PENA

  1. Open the terminal and download PENA project:
  2. Extract it and run: $ cd pena && docker build -t pena .
  3. Running the container: $ docker run --name pena --rm -it -p 80:80 pena

Running experiments

This steps will be executed on running container, you can define an alias:
$ alias pena_cmd="docker exec -i -t pena sudo -E -u www-data $1"

All runners are inside experiment folder, to run each of them:

    Efficiency Experiment:
    Accuracy Experiment:$ pena_cmd ./experiments/
    Conflicts on Wordpress Experiment: $ pena_cmd ./experiments/
    Running all experiments:$ pena_cmd ./experiments/

The logs are stored on each experiment folder, you can check after each execution:

  • Efficiency Experiment: $ pena_cmd cat ./experiments/efficiency/logs/efficiency.log
  • Accuracy Experiment: $ pena_cmd cat ./experiments/accuracy/logs/accuracy.log
  • Conflicts on Wordpress Experiment: $ pena_cmd cat ./experiments/wp_experiment/logs/wp_experiment.log


To check the project artifacts (code, logs, conflicts) access our github.

Removing PENA

  • Get PENA CONTAINER_ID: $ docker ps | grep pena
  • To stop and remove image run:
    $ docker stop CONTAINER_ID && docker rmi CONTAINER_ID